Original member 1955 – 70, The San Francisco Dancer’s Workshop Company, internationally acclaimed performance works by artist/dancer/choreographer Anna Halprin:
Daughters of the Voice 1953
Birds of America or Gardens Without Walls 1960
City Dance 1960 – 69
5 Legged Stool 1962
Mr. and Mrs. Mouse 1962
Esposizione 1963
San Francisco Happenings and The Paper Dance
with Alan Kaprow, Anna Halprin and Lawrence Ferlingghetti 1964
San Francisco Committee Acting Body 1967
Parades and Changes 1965 – 67
Procession 1966
The Bath 1966
Lunch 1968
Ceremony of Us 1969
Film Work
Revolution 1968
Zabriskie Point 1970
Jerusalem File 1972
Faculty Dancer’s Workshop 1975 – 78
Collaborations in Collective Creativity Workshops with Lawrence Halprin and Sue Young Lee, Round House, for UC Berkeley School of Design 1975 – 76
Co- Founded Tamalpa Institute 1978
Tamalpa Training Faculty 1978 – present
Director Tamalpa Institute 1990 – present
Founder of The Tamalpa Collective 2009
Adjunct Faculty and guest teacher:
California Institute of Integral Studies
European Graduate School
JFK University
Esalen Institute
Hollyhock Centre
Jung Center
Menninger Institute
UCSF Medical Center: Shapedown Program: adolescents and families challenging eating disorders
Native Family Center, East Bay California: women and families challenging abuse and drug addiction
Wells Fargo Bank – Vice Presidents in retreat
Conference Presentations
Association for Jungian Psychology
Association for Humanistic Psychology Association
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
International Somatic Movement Therapy Association
National Dance Education Association
European Spring Symposiums of Expressive Arts Therapy Training Centers
North American Harvest Symposiums of Expressive Arts Therapy Training Centers
Professional Associations
Registered professional member
International Somatic Therapy Association
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association since 1994
Published Works
Coming Alive; Tamalpa Institute, 1989
Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy; Principles and Practices, 1999
The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy; working with movement and metaphor, 2003
A Poetic Body; collected poems, 2005-2010
de l’une a l’autre; Ouvrage Collectif, Contredanse Bruxelles, 2010
Body Ensouled, Enacted and Entranced, 2011

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I have known and worked with Daria Halprin for 40 years and have witnessed her evolution into one of the most important and influential Writers/Artists/Therapists in the field of Expressive Arts. She is an eloquent spokesperson for the range, depth and possibilities of the work.
— G Hoffman Soto
Somatic/Movement Educator
Performance Artist