Daria Halprin: dancer, poet, teacher, and author, is among the leading pioneers in the field of movement/dance and expressive arts education and therapy. Her work bridges the fields of somatic psychology, movement/dance therapy, expressive arts therapy, community based arts and health education, organizational consultancy, leadership development, social change and performance. Bringing a life-long practice in the arts to her work, published writings include : Coming Alive; The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy; contributing author Expressive Arts Therapy: Principles and Practices, Poesis: Essays On the Future of the Field; Body Ensouled, Enacted and Entranced. In 1978 Daria co-founded the Tamalpa Institute where she directs training programs in movement/dance and expressive arts education, consultancy and therapy. She teaches in educational, health and art centers throughout the world.

Daria Halprin has a uniquely rich history as an expressive arts therapist having had an important professional career as a dancer and actress prior to co-founding the Tamalpa Institute in 1978. Her pioneering approach to the field of movement-based healing arts is both practical and visionary.
–Dr. Janice Ross
Professor, Drama and Dance Department, Stanford University
Daria's work as an expressive arts educator and therapist is brilliant; original, intelligent, penetrating and illuminating.
–Ken Otter
Director, Leadership Studies Programs
Saint Mary's College